Marten (1/3)

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Martens (Martes americana) are common, but really rarely seen.<br />
18-26 inches long, 1-3 pounds.<br />
A middle member of the weasel family with short limbs and long bushy tail. fur varies from light to dark brown or<br />
black; irregular, buffy to bright orange throat patch. <br />
NPS Yellowstone Resource 2011.
Martens (Martes americana) are common, but really rarely seen.
18-26 inches long, 1-3 pounds.
A middle member of the weasel family with short limbs and long bushy tail. fur varies from light to dark brown or
black; irregular, buffy to bright orange throat patch.
NPS Yellowstone Resource 2011.

Filename: marten_closeup.jpg
  • Adult
  • Marten
  • Perching
  • Playing
  • Snow
  • Soda Butte
  • Vertical
  • Waiting
  • Winter
  • Yellowstone

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