Purple Flowers (10/17)

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Fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium) is a perennial herbaceous plant in the willow herb family. It is native throughout the temperate Northern Hemisphere, including large parts of the boreal forests. <br />
This herb is often abundant in wet to slightly acidic soils in open fields, pastures, and particularly burned-over lands; the name Fireweed derives from the species' abundance as a coloniser on burnt sites after forest fires. Its tendency to quickly colonize open areas with little competition, such as sites of forest fires and forest clearings, makes it a clear example of a pioneer species.
Fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium) is a perennial herbaceous plant in the willow herb family. It is native throughout the temperate Northern Hemisphere, including large parts of the boreal forests.
This herb is often abundant in wet to slightly acidic soils in open fields, pastures, and particularly burned-over lands; the name Fireweed derives from the species' abundance as a coloniser on burnt sites after forest fires. Its tendency to quickly colonize open areas with little...
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Filename: fireweed.jpg
  • Horizontal
  • Purple
  • Summer
  • Sylvan
  • Yellowstone

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