Waterfowl and Shorebirds (20/66)

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Like all grebes, the Eared Grebe (Podiceps californicus) nests on the water's edge, since its legs are set very far back and it cannot walk well. Usually two eggs are laid, and the striped young are sometimes carried on the adult's back.
Like all grebes, the Eared Grebe (Podiceps californicus) nests on the water's edge, since its legs are set very far back and it cannot walk well. Usually two eggs are laid, and the striped young are sometimes carried on the adult's back.
Filename: nest_where_here?.jpg
  • courting
  • Eared Grebe
  • Female
  • Floating Island
  • Male
  • nesting
  • Spring
  • swimming
  • Yellowstone NP

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