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The Downy Woodpecker (Picoides pubescens) is a species of woodpecker, the smallest in North America. The Downy Woodpecker is virtually identical in plumage pattern to the much larger Hairy Woodpecker, but it can be distinguished from the Hairy by the presence of black spots on its white tail feathers.
The Downy Woodpecker (Picoides pubescens) is a species of woodpecker, the smallest in North America. The Downy Woodpecker is virtually identical in plumage pattern to the much larger Hairy Woodpecker, but it can be distinguished from the Hairy by the presence of black spots on its white tail feathers.
Filename: downy.jpg

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Song and Perching Birds, Yellowstone Summer, Summer Wildlife
  • downy
  • wooodpecker
  • Yellowstone
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  • small
  • black
  • white