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Red foxes  (Vulpes vulpes)  are social animals, whose groups are led by a mated pair which monopolizes breeding. Subordinates within a group are typically the young of the mated pair, which remain with their parents to assist in caring for new kits. The species primarily feeds on small rodents, though it may also target game birds, reptiles, invertebrates and young ungulates. Fruit and vegetable matter is also eaten on occasion. Although the red fox tends to displace or even kill smaller predators, it is nonetheless vulnerable to attack from larger predators, such as wolves, coyotes, or medium- and large-sized felines.
Red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) are social animals, whose groups are led by a mated pair which monopolizes breeding. Subordinates within a group are typically the young of the mated pair, which remain with their parents to assist in caring for new kits. The species primarily feeds on small rodents, though it may also target game birds, reptiles, invertebrates and young ungulates. Fruit and vegetable matter is also eaten on occasion. Although the red fox tends to displace or even kill smaller...
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Filename: vixen_hunting.jpg

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Summer Wildlife, Fox, Yellowstone Wildlife, Yellowstone Summer, Yellowstone - Lamar
  • alert
  • Female
  • Fox
  • hunting
  • Little America
  • on the move
  • Spring
  • Yellowstone NP