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The bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) live in flocks, and do not typically follow a single leader ram. Prior to the mating season or "rut", the rams attempt to establish a dominance hierarchy that determines access to ewes for mating. It is during the prerut period that most of the characteristic horn clashing occurs between rams, although this behavior may occur to a limited extent throughout the year. Ram's horns can frequently exhibit damage from repeated clashes. Females exhibit a stable hierarchy that correlates with age. Sylvan Pass, Yellowstone.
The bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) live in flocks, and do not typically follow a single leader ram. Prior to the mating season or "rut", the rams attempt to establish a dominance hierarchy that determines access to ewes for mating. It is during the prerut period that most of the characteristic horn clashing occurs between rams, although this behavior may occur to a limited extent throughout the year. Ram's horns can frequently exhibit damage from repeated clashes. Females exhibit a...
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Filename: curious_big_horn.jpg

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Big Horn
  • Big Horn sheep
  • curious
  • Male
  • Summer
  • Sylvan
  • Wildlife
  • Yellowstone NP